“When’s the right time to leave your parents’ house?”

This is a question that I feel a lot of teens need answers to. The legal age to move out without parental permission is 16. For some people that may seem like an ideal age, but everyone of us is different. You can always make your own decision to move out. I believe that there is never a wrong time to move out because remember, Everyone has a different lifestyle. Some people may be poor and others may have just the right amount of money. The lucky people can even be rich and sometimes that can effect the time you move out as rent is becoming more and more expensive. All i’m trying to say here is move out when you are ready. And never give in to peer pressure, it’s always going to be your decision.

Published by mayflowerrose

I'm 14 and live in Australia. I love to paint, draw and write. This is my safe place

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