
Hi, My name is Amelia and I am 14. I live in Tasmania Australia and I LOVE to paint, draw and write. This is going to be my safe place where I can express myself and be who I want to be and to share the journey of my life with you. I may not have the most interesting life in the world but I would still like to share it. When I was 10 I went to Italy with my Nan. We spent 6 weeks there and we basically lived at the beach. It was so hot!!!. I got to meet my uncle Ugo. He is really nice and every morning he was up early in the garden looking after his olives. He even makes his own olive oil. One night my Nan and I got to go over for dinner and have home made pasta. Of a night time there is a huge festival called the Sagra which is held in a large forest. There are Nona’s that stand in the forest over gigantic pots cooking before everyone arrives and sometimes after that. They have Music, good food, Fairy lights hung on trees, Picnic tables. and little dessert shops. The dessert is magnificent.

For my birthday I got to go to Queensland and try my first ever Starbucks. To be honest It’s not as good as I expected it to be but it was still really cool to be able to try it. My family and I went to this maze place called Infinity and It was really scary. My mum and I were screaming and we nearly cried. But afterwards it wasn’t so bad.

Signing off… Amelia

Bye 🙂

Published by mayflowerrose

I'm 14 and live in Australia. I love to paint, draw and write. This is my safe place

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